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May 10, 2022

It's time to go racing. Steel City Downhill is back for it's 10th edition this weekend and we're gonna be there.

Peaty’s Steel City DH is a mini downhill race held annually in Greno Woods, Sheffield. It has been running since 2011 and raising money to fund trail building and maintenance in the woods ever since. It is a not for profit race with everyone volunteering their time and all proceeds reinvested in the woods making it the biggest little race on the calendar.

With hundreds of racers and thousands of spectators the woods are transformed for a day bringing an atmosphere unlike any other race. With racers from 10 to 70 years old it is a very inclusive and family friendly event with Mums and Dads racing alongside their kids.

This year's race is on Saturday 14th May 2022 and everyone is welcome!

We're going to be there with the Airdrop Easy-Up and a bunch of bikes to show. You never know, we might also venture between the tapes too. Want to come and chat shit? Want to see the Slacker prototypes or drool over a Fade? Come and find us in the bombhole at the bottom of the track.

Steel City DH Bombhole


Everything You Need To Know

Greno Woods are easy to find. If you're travelling from Sheffield, head up Penistone road to Grenoside, follow the main road through the village and head past the main Grenoside Wood car park to the dedicated race car park. If you're coming from further afield, it's probably best to take J36 off the M1, then follow the A616 and turn left at Woodhead road. 

Here's a handy Google Map:


If you are driving to the race you must park in the official car park. Parking anywhere else - in the public Greno car park or on the road - jeopardises the running of the race on the day and in future. Please be responsible.

Parking is in Farmer Jack’s field, at Hall Head Farm on Woodhead Road. The entrance will be clearly marked. The closest postcode is S35 7DS but don't rely on it for a Sat Nav. Do not try to come in to the exit! There will be a one way system. Parking is £5 CASH per vehicle.

The car park opens at 7am it will close for entry at 3pm. Please remove your car as soon as possible after the race.


7:00 – Official car park opens – Course open for on foot inspection (no riding)
8:00 – Registration opens in event car park, no registration before this time
8:30 – Course open for practice
10:00 – Registration closes
11:30 – Practice closes
11:45 – First race run begins
2:30 – Second race runs begin
3:00 – Car park entrance closes
5:30 – Podiums and prize givings
7:00 – New Barrack Tavern for beers and cheers!

In The Bomb-Hole

The race track finishes in the wall of sound and activity that is the bombhole and plays host to the race arena. Once again it will be packed full of things to peruse and choose, lots eat and drink, and people to catch up with or newly meet. Most important is the Steel City Merch stand manned by Sheffield’s own Mayor Dallow and crew. Here you can purchase a whole host of exclusive garms that will directly benefit the trails you ride.

Brett Penfold at Steel City DH



Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust

Greno Woods is a nature reserve owned and managed by Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust. It is an ancient woodland, rich in wildlife and full of historic interest. Covering 169 hectares, it is one of the Trust’s largest reserves and offers excellent opportunities for wildlife watching, exploration and recreation. The Trust has carried out work on the reserve to increase the proportion and quality of priority habitats on the site and maintain features of interest as well as maintain and improve recreational infrastructure such as downhill mountain bike trails.

You can help protect and enhance Sheffield's local wildlife and green spaces by joining Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust. By joining Sheffield and Rotherham’s community of wildlife lovers today you can help care for the wild places you love – preserving them for years to come. Find out more at www.wildsheffield.com.

To keep up to date on all things Steel City you can visit www.steelcitydh.com and follow the race on Facebook or Twitter.

The race is run as a not for profit event, with all funds raised from the race go directly back into the trails in Greno Woods and to support mountain bike projects around the city. The race is made possible by all the volunteers that give their time willingly to make good things happen in the city that we love for the sport that we love.

The race is organised by Steve Peat, Steve Hardcastle, Henry Norman, Simon Bowns and Nick Hamilton. If you see them… give them Knucks or a Hug, the force is strong with these ones.


On a personal note, can we add a big thanks to Steve, Steve, Henry, Si, Nick and all the volunteers that make Steel City DH such a sick day. We borrowed some of the content for this post from the Steel City Series website so hit that site if you want any more info. Thanks also to Dan Hearn for the photography and Brett Penfold for repping Airdrop at the races.


Ed Brazier
Ed Brazier

Ed is the owner of Airdrop Bikes. A former web and graphic designer, he sacked off his job one day and decided to start up a bike brand.

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