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October 26, 2016

Right from the start of Airdrop Bikes, we've been committed to making your shopping experience as good as it can be. That means we need to be bang up to date with the technology that's available both on and offline. We're pleased to say we can now accept online payment through Apple Pay.

Apple Pay allows you to pay easily and securely through our online store. With Apple Pay, you can check out using Safari on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. When you pay for your order using Apple Pay, you don't need to manually enter your credit card information or shipping address. You just tap the Apple Pay button and scan your fingerprint, and Apple Pay will provide that information to our payment gateway. It's quick, easy and absolutely secure.

Airdrop Bikes accepts Apple Pay

When you visit our online store using Safari on iOS 10 or macOS Sierra, you will see a button with the Apple Pay logo:

Apple Pay Logo

You can tap or click the button to make a purchase with Apple Pay. The purchasing experience is slightly different depending on which device you're using.

On iPhone

When you tap the Apple Pay button, you will see the shipping and billing information you added to your wallet, as well as the cost of the order, shipping rates, and taxes. You will then authenticate the purchase by scanning your fingerprint.


On Desktop

To use Apple Pay on a Mac computer, you must be using macOS Sierra and Safair. You must also have an iPhone with iOS 10. Before you can make the purchase, you must make sure the computer and the phone:

  • are close to each other
  • both have Bluetooth turned on
  • are both logged in to the same iCloud account.

When you click the Apple Pay button, you will see the shipping and billing information you added to your wallet, as well as the cost of the order, shipping rates, and taxes. The dialogue will prompt you to confirm the purchase on your phone. You will then scan your fingerprint on your phone to authenticate the purchase.

Ed Brazier
Ed Brazier

Ed is the owner of Airdrop Bikes. A former web and graphic designer, he sacked off his job one day and decided to start up a bike brand.

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